5 Reasons Choosing Top-Notch WordPress Hosting is Critical for Your Business

best web hosting provider

Regardless of the type of business you’re running, whether you’re selling shirts, designing websites, or promoting affiliate products, you need top-notch WordPress hosting service for your website.

The impact of your website hosting provider is far-reaching; if your site hosting isn’t reliable, you run the risk of losing thousands of dollars worth of sales. It doesn’t matter how much you spend on marketing and creating quality content, all your efforts could go to waste if you have low-quality WordPress hosting.

In this guide, we’ll cover five crucial points about the impact of getting the best website hosting provider.

1. Online security

Don’t be complacent about your website security. Just because nothing terrible has happened to your site doesn’t mean nothing ever will.

When you think about it, the stakes go higher the longer your business runs without reliable online security.

Several years in, your business would have grown. You’d have several people visiting your site compared to your business’s earlier years when you only had a handful. Depending on the type of business you’re running, your customers might even be sharing their personal information, such as their credit card numbers, the last four digits of their SSN, etc.

Then suddenly… Boom. You’re hacked!

You get TONS of customer complaints, lawsuits, and your brand image is ruined beyond recognition. All because you were complacent with your website security.

Getting reliable WordPress hosting can prevent this since it firewalls, website backups, among other methods to protect your site. Low-quality site hosting will give you very little or inadequate online security protection.

2. Support

Chances are, those who offer low-quality hosting also offer poor customer support. When your website is down, or you encounter issues that jeopardize your website’s availability, you need to be able to access your hosting providers’ customer support.

Not just that, the support you get should also be prompt and helpful; otherwise, you’ll be frustrated by the run around you get from the hosting company’s customer support agents — if you’ll manage to get one, at all.

Choose a hosting provider that offers 24/7 live chat or phone support. That way, regardless of the time you reach out to them, someone will pick up and help you with your needs.

Also, look for hosting providers with an extensive knowledge base, a closely-knit community, how-to guides, etc. These channels allow you to find the answers to your questions even without you talking/chatting with a support agent.

3. Ability to accommodate high-traffic

Even on dedicated servers, low-quality website hostings can’t handle large volumes of website traffic. Its capacity pales in comparison to its high-performing counterparts.

After reaching certain thresholds, your website will either load very slow or errors will start occurring — your web users end up frustrated in both scenarios.

Even if you succeed at bringing in mountainous traffic to your website, none of them will be able to use your site properly. With poor website hosting, your efforts to bring in more traffic becomes meaningless. Bringing in more people into yourself will work against you.

The more people who visit your site and experience errors or slow-loading pages, the more you get bashed. You’ll receive messages from people complaining about their experience with your site, and you’ll see dreadful comments about your brand online — all because you had poor website hosting and you can’t accommodate large volumes of traffic.

What’s worse is you might receive refund requests from your customers. If you already shipped their orders and have spent on delivery, let alone paid for the cost of creating the product they ordered, you’d be losing too much money.

4. Avoid content loss

Several things can cause content loss; it could be viruses, web host errors, hardware malfunction, accidental file deletion, etc. Whatever the reasons might be when you experience one, it’s terrible for your business.

Poor website hosting can trigger some of the causes we’ve mentioned; you could experience technical glitches causing the content you backed up to disappear in the World Wide Web. That’s why, if you aren’t mindful of which hosting providers you’ll work with, you could lose content even without you noticing it.

If you spent considerable amounts of money to create content that you’ve lost, that means all your investment went down the drain.

5. Your website uptime is affected.

Reliable hosting services try to stay within the 99.9% uptime rule. That way, when your web visitors land on your website, it’s available and running. (If your website’s uptime is below 99.90%, you should switch hosting providers.)

As you can probably imagine, it’s crucial to have a website with high uptime. Whether you’re doing massive website customizations or you’re installing several plugins, it should remain live and available. After all, you lose potential sales if your web visitors land on your website, only to get errors or a blank screen because your website is down. Not only does this hurt your sales, but your brand reputation also suffers.

It’s also worth pointing out that your downtimes can hurt your site’s ranking in the search engine results pages (SERPs). When your website is down, and the search engines visit, it detects the problem then proceeds to the next site. If this happens several times, your site is viewed as unreliable, which then hurts your ranking.

Considering how crucial search engine optimization (SEO) is to bring truckloads of web visitors to your website, you lose big time if your site’s ranking goes down.

What’s next?

Just like the foundation of a massive skyscraper is important, so is your website hosting.

You’ll be hard-pressed to build a skyscraper-like business online if your foundation (website hosting) is faulty and unreliable.

With poor hosting, you run the risk of losing truckloads of sales, give your web users poor experience, and be bashed left and right online — all of these can hurt your business.

However, with reliable WordPress hosting services, not only will you feel secure about your site’s uptime and online security, but your pages also load uber-fast, among other benefits.

5 Reasons Choosing Top-Notch WordPress Hosting is Critical for Your Business
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