Getting a website up and ranking on the search result is not as easy as before. However, you must not have a way of thinking that it is not impossible to have a successful website because of other authority websites. It is still possible given you are patient and willing to invest the time to optimize your site for the best result.
Create a Good Website Design

First of all, you need to come up with a good design for your website. A good design web template enables your visitors to easily navigate the website and find out the information they are looking for. Don’t just simply go online to the free template directory and download one to use on your website. Instead, come up with a unique template for your website from the start. You can easily outsource it with a small budget to freelance web designer on the forum or marketplaces like SEO Clark and Fiverr.
Good Web Host
There are various big names providing web hosting services. Things can easily go wrong if you don’t pick the right web host. Poor web hosting can make your life difficult as it will affect the performance of your website. Poor web host will have slow loading servers, that means your website loading speed will be poor. And users just hate slow loading websites.
There are various parameters to check whether the web host is relevant for you or not. You can read the reviews in order to find the right web hosting solution for your website.
Provide Sticky Content
Once you’ve figured out the template, you can now focus on providing sticky content for the website. It doesn’t just happen that people come to your website. People only come if your content has some value that they can derive. Improve your content so that the user will click deeper and deeper to explore more about your site.
You should fill your website with useful articles that give the customers the information they are looking for. You can use a poll and questionnaire to get suggestions from customers on improving your content.
Use Quality Pictures for Your Blog
Every post should have a picture. Ideally, offer something unique in the pictures you post, for example, draw them yourself, or use pictures you take with your camera. Pictures from the royalty-free library are the same as the ones you found on Google search result. They will reduce your website quality since Google perceives duplicates on the search result. If you decide to take the photo yourself, make sure you first learn how to take a photo so that the photo you post will appear professional.
Perform SEO Optimization for Your Site
Unique content and pictures are the most important part of website building. But, they won’t help you to get ranked unless you optimize it for the search engine. There are many ways to carry out SEO optimization for a website such as a keyword optimization, article submission, guest post blogging, and video sharing. You can get your website ranked faster if you hire an SEO company.
Maybe you have some specific instructions about the SEO services, you can use a PDF editor like Movavi PDF Editor to compile all your instructions in a PDF. The software offers a text tool that allows you to draw a text box and add new text. The text box can also be drawn on existing text to make an edit on it.
If you want to merge sets of SEO instructions PDFs, just click on the Merge files button to open the merge files window. Next, drag the PDF documents into the file drop zone and press the Merge button. The software takes less than 1 minute to merge PDF on Mac.
Monitor Your Site Performance
The last step is to monitor your website performance with analytic software like Google Analytics. Through the analytic software, you can check whether your website is accessed by visitors that will convert. You can look at their bounce rate and find out how much time they spend on your site.
You can also know whether they are converting in the way you want such as download your content, sign up the newsletter, or buying your products. By measuring your website performance, you will know what to do to adjust the performance and achieve the level of profit you want.
Include Call to Actions (CTA)
Before you can monitor your site performance, you need to set up a call to action (CTA) strategically. Call to action direct people into doing what to do while they are on your website. If all you put is information, people will only come to your website to find free information.
However, if you put a call to actions, people will be interested in buying something. You must arrange the content in a way that will point the visitors to the call to action. It is best to display the call to action in a non-generic way like claim your free book. At other times, you can be just straightforward and use words like sign up as the call to actions.