Core Branding Principles that Every Marketer Must Implement

marketing strategy

Branding is regarded as the process that establishes your product or business as something unique and different from the existing competition in a truly advantageous way. It is known to create an impression about your company or product in the mind of the potential customer so that he starts regarding your company or your product as unique and simply unparalleled. The core product branding principles are very effective because they influence customers into believing that you offer something exceptional or different.

The success or failure of a company depends very much on branding endeavors just the way it depends on the product’s quality. Therefore, branding plays a pivotal role in the success of a business. Hence, it is extremely important to plan in advance as to how you are going to brand your business or product. Here are the core branding principles that you must follow to create a successful brand presence in the highly competitive digital marketing scenario.

Unique Selling Position

You must necessarily create a USP or Unique Selling Proposition. As per the branding principle As per Wikipedia, “The USP states that such campaigns made unique propositions to customers that convinced them to switch brands.” You may consider creating a USP by focusing on something unique and specific that you are offering such as an exceptional performance or a fantastic price.

What is it that makes your product stand out from the rest? Ask yourself this question and find the right answer by brainstorming certain ideas, however, do not settle with the first idea that crops up such as exceptional quality.

You may study the different features of competitive brands and compare them with your product’s features. Identify and highlight those features that are present in your product but missing in the other competitive brands. Do a meticulous analysis of how your product is really different from the rest. For instance, your restaurant is providing free home delivery to the customers unlike, the other competing restaurants.

You may study the different features of competitive brands and compare them with your product’s features. Identify and highlight those features that are present in your product but missing in the other competitive brands. Do a meticulous analysis of how your product is really different from the rest. For instance, your restaurant is providing free home delivery to the customers unlike, the other competing restaurants.

Remember to Be Consistent

Building a robust brand is certainly time-consuming and takes a lot of effort and patience. You need to focus on consistency in thoughts and action. You have to be really consistent in terms of service and quality. If you provide your customers with exceptional service and value for their money consistently, they would recognize and remember your brand.

For instance, you must not change or modify your product once it has established a niche for itself and you must remain true to your customers’ wants. Moreover, when you have established your brand logo, it is best not to consider changing it. You may seek professional assistance and branding expertise from a reputed digital marketing firm.

Highlight Your Brand’s Benefit

You need to identify the precise benefit offered by your brand. Your brand should consider setting expectations for your organization. For instance, you could come up with an offer to refund the money if the customer is not happy with your product. You need to familiarize with your product so that you know every aspect of the product clearly.

You need to highlight your product’s benefit with the greatest conviction and maximum clarity. You must go ahead and create your advertising and promotional campaigns around these benefits promised by your product.

Give Importance & Priority to Your Customers

Your brand is supposed to be your company’s image, as far as, the world is concerned. Your brand stands for your reputation and strength. You must understand and acknowledge the importance of your customers and demonstrate your gratitude to them with brilliant service, sales, discounts, and coupons.

For instance, provide them with quality customer satisfaction and service and do not forget to honor the promised return policies. Your attitude and these little things would prove to all your customers that your company actually cares for its customers.

Remain Classic in Your Ways

As per Forbes, classic certainly does not imply old school or boring. It simply implies foregoing the current trends in some areas like using traditional fonts or using primary colors or neutrals for ensuring a long-lasting brand.

Often brands assume that it is best to follow the latest trends while creating a robust brand identity for their product or business. Even though incorporating the latest design trends seems to be recommended pretty often, it in no way implies that you cannot integrate classic design features in branding. In reality, it is definitely, the classic touches that instill a timeless feel to the brand thus, boosting your brand’s online presence, reputation, and winning people’s trust.

Make the Most of Multiple Platforms

In this fast-paced and highly-competitive digital era, the brand design would be there everywhere. Right from your official website to the various social media platforms, your brand design would be visible on diverse platforms and different types of devices. Your brand design would be appearing in various offline media such as magazines, newspaper, and other conventional print media.

As such you must focus on creating designs that are compatible with multiple platforms and could be adjusting easily to diverse screen sizes.

All Is in the Name

The name of your company should be chosen with care and much deliberation so that the name lasts you a lifetime. It is extremely exciting to start a whole new business and choose its name. It is best not to get swayed by trendy stuff like starting a breakfast joint and calling it ‘Hashtag’. Do not be unnecessarily hilarious. Instead, you should stick to names that make sense and are relevant to the business, easy to spell, say, and even remember.

Opt For Short Mottos in Less Than Seven Words

Suppose you are thinking of incorporating a motto in your branding on a regular basis like “I’m loving it”, used by McDonald’s, it is best to keep it short and precise. You may need to use a motto to drill into the customers’ mind what exactly your organization or brand does. If you are using a motto, remember to keep it short.


Incorporate the above-discussed core branding principles for success. Your brand must be a reflection of you to a certain extent. You may be having a preference for a specific font, or you have a fascination for a particular color. Whenever possible, allow your uniqueness to penetrate your branding.

Core Branding Principles that Every Marketer Must Implement
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