What Is Scrum in Software Development

Scrum framework

When it comes to software development, many different methodologies exist. While most people have heard about agile and waterfall, other options can be suitable for a variety of projects.

One of the most popular software development methodologies is Scrum. Let’s take a closer look at why it deserves your attention.

What is Scrum?

Scrum is a framework that helps achieve goals in a creative yet organized manner. It’s built on a robust set of principles, deep values, and useful practices.

Just like the common agile methodology, it relies on delivering projects in short cycles, thus making timely and cost-efficient changes possible.

By using the Scrum framework, it’s possible to achieve continuous improvement, rapid change adaptation, and fast delivery.

In short, Scrum involves breaking up large custom development projects into smaller components, which can be completed in a short timeframe.

After each piece is ready, the customer can give feedback to help optimize the next steps of the project while minimizing costs and eliminating unnecessary efforts. This cycle goes on until the project is completed and the customer is fully satisfied.

Scrum is one of the methodologies used for custom software development by Entrance. According to their leading specialists, it’s one of the most efficient frameworks for working with a client, who is ready for close collaboration and providing feedback.

Benefits of Scrum

Each software development team has worked out the ideal methodology to offer high-quality products to its clients. If you are searching for new options for your team or wondering how to improve the current approach, these benefits of the Scrum methodology can help you make the right decision:

  • It allows for fast innovation and adaptation
  • You can move from the first stage to the last quickly, thanks to mitigating errors in stages.
  • You can enjoy high customer satisfaction since you implement their feedback along the way.
  • You can improve employee morale by giving them all the tools to work productively.

The Scrum Team

There is no rule dictating how many people should be on a Scrum team. Generally, seven to nine developers can do an excellent job working on a project of any size. However, larger teams can work as well. Meanwhile, one-person teams aren’t a rarity either.

Scrum team members don’t have clear roles, such as a tester, programmer, architect, etc. All members work on the project together.

Scrum: The Process

The entire project is divided into equal periods of time. These periods are called sprints. On average, they last from one to three weeks. The length depends on how experienced the team is as well as on the difficulty of the task.

Before the sprint begins, team members have a sprint planning meeting, during which they discuss the steps to be taken. Once this is done, the members review the process to improve the following sprints. Many teams compare different sprints to increase the efficiency of their work.

Scrum teams also hold daily meetings to discuss what they have done so far and what their plans are for the next day.

Roles in Scrum

Scrum software development relies on a strong self-organized structure. Each team member has a certain set of tasks, which must be completed during a certain time. This minimizes or eliminates the need for supervision.

The main roles in the Scrum development process are:

  • Product owner
  • Scrum master
  • Development team

Let’s take a closer look at who fulfills these roles and what they mean to the development process.

1. Product Owner

The owner’s goal is to increase the value of the entire team’s work. They manage the product backlog and constantly communicate with the client to make sure the process is going smoothly and according to the requirements.

One Scrum team can have one product owner. This role can be fulfilled by one of the development team members.

2. Scrum Master

The Scrum Master ensures a proper understanding of all Scrum techniques. They supervise the development process to make sure the team follows the Scrum principles. This person deals with impediments that arise on the team’s way to complete the project properly and on time.

3. Development Team

The development team is the key player in the Scrum software development methodology. These experts are responsible for fulfilling tasks in the order of importance set by the Product Owner.

Developers share responsibility for not completing any one task in a sprint. It’s a self-organized and highly efficient structure.

The Scrum Board

The key to a successful Scrum project is transparency. It’s important to have the following components defined and employed on the Scrum board so the entire team has a point of reference.

1. Product Backlog

This must be shared on the board so team members understand if enough information is available to fulfill the future sprints. This can speed up the development process and help avoid forced downtime.

2. Definition of “Done”

All members should understand when the user story (informal description of the software feature) is done. That’s why the definition of done must be communicated to all team players involved in the development process.

3. User Stories

By working together, the client and the developer should make sure that each user story is clear and properly formatted.

4. Sprint Backlog

Here you can find user stories that have to be dealt with in the current sprint. This helps team members plan their work.

5. Progress and achievements

This should show which work is done and which is in progress. This helps other team members plan their work and see what needs to be done in the nearest future.

6. Problems

The board should have a list of problems, which may be keeping the team from achieving sprint goals. These issues should be dealt with by the Scrum Master.

Final Thoughts

Scrum is an excellent approach to software development. It’s a great choice for an independent team of developers with excellent organizational skills.

This methodology helps nurture independent and responsible work while presenting the customer with a top-notch product within a short period.

What Is Scrum in Software Development
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