Astonishing Ideas for “How can we make a Website?”

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Wouldn’t we all just love it, if we can create our own website, free of cost, have fun while creating it, have it be created quick and easy and even make some money once it is built and live.

What if I tell you it is actually possible in the contemporary world, not only that it can be done by almost anyone without needing any special skills. There is no doubt, today a lot of people have their own websites and at the same time a lot people are also looking for ideas and ways to create their own website.

The online auto free website builders allow you to build your website in the above mentioned fashion. Online auto website builders provide their customers with free pre-designed web templates categorized with different industries. Users can customize their choice of template with adding their original and customized content and images, to the web design template they picked.

These websites also offer drag and drop feature that allow you to further customize your website by creating your website using a unique combination of website elements available on the online website builders. Using these website builders you can not only build a free website but you can also do so within a couple of hours.

Here is the step by step process journey and some astonishing ideas, from the very beginning till the end, for you to create an amazing, successful and effective website of your own.

Get your domain name

The very first step, before you even visit an online free website builder, is to get a domain name for yourself, some of these online website builders also provide the service to buying domain name.

Your domain name is the name of your website, hence it is the first step of the process. You can buy a domain name by paying the annual free to the registrar as you are buying the right to use that name for your website or if you are buying the domain name from the online website builder then their process may vary a bit form one to another.

Look for website building and hosting services provider:

There are almost too many options available today, some are great, some are poor, some are free and some maybe in-between of being cheap and expensive. Hence, when you are looking for an online website building service provider to build your website on, you should take some time out to research and compare the features they offer.

Most often the free templates for websites are limited in number, hence you will have to look around until you find something you like if you are firm on the free part. Some of the more known free website building and hosting service providers include:

Once you have decided on your online website building platform, next you will also be needing a website hosting company. The website hosting services basically connect your website to the internet and make it available to the world. You can find a separate web hosting service provider and sign up or you can also buy website hosting services from your website builder, as many of these online website builders provide website hosting as well.

Compare the website elements you want to the service features the website builder provides:

Each platform will offer you different level of services at different packages and for obvious reasons the free package will have the most limited services. Hence, if you are planning to make a media-rich website that includes many images and videos, you should make sure your platform supports this on your choice of package.

Moreover, website builders can have different policies for online stores. Hence, if you are looking to create an online store make sure that the service provider supports your vision and goals.

Furthermore, other aspects to check are the bandwidth the platform provides, as if the free package offer low bandwidth it won’t very well support file hosts.

Sign-up and create your account:

Almost all free online website builders will require for you to create your account with them. Depending on the platform, you might not be required to provide any of your billing information unless you are planning to upgrade your account to an upgraded paid account.

Pick a theme or template that goes well with you and your business:

Go through the available options of pre-designed website themes or templates, some online website builder categories their template options industry-wise, which will help you a lot when finding a template that suits you and your needs the best.

Design your website:

Finally the next step is to actually design your website itself. Most of the times, free website builders have their own web construction programs available on their website. Through these programs you can pick your web design from pre-made templates and customize the template as much as possible.

The website page construction programs let you customize your website by adding texts and images without any fuss and allow you to get a functioning website go live in a rather short period of time. A lot of these platforms also offer drag and drop feature that lets you easily add images and files into the site, with little to no coding skills.

As the name suggests, these platforms allow you to build your website completely online and there is no need to download any editing software or tool. Hence, as you are building the entire site on their website, you won’t be needing any FTP programs and cPanel to be able to upload content on the site.

However, if you are still confused about how to proceed then, some platforms also provide variety of tutorials to help you build your website as quickly as possible.

Add your valuable content:

Other than the web design, the other aspect of your site that make you stand out and brings more value to your site is unique, original and engaging content. You need to tell your website visitors what you do and what you are selling. Adding quality content that your audience would want to read is a great strategy to drive more traffic to your site.

Get your site published and live:

Once you reach a point where you are happy with the layout of your site and its content, now is the time to get your site published and live for the world to view. If you have a blog or any other public presence platform, it would be a great idea to announce your website there with a welcoming and introductory post. You can also use this platform to explain the purpose of your website and tell your audience how your website will benefit them.

Never stop creating new, unique, engaging and updated content:

Websites that regularly update their content and put up new and useful content on regular basis are more likely to get more visits and traffic than site that don’t. Hence, to make your website continue to be effective, make sure you produce and publish new engaging content that is relevant and interesting for your audience and that makes them come back for more. As mentioned above, this is a great strategy to drive more traffic your way and it will also help you retain the visitors you already have.

Moreover, you can make a schedule and publish new content accordingly to keep your readers informed and in anticipation.

Placing advertisements on your website:

You do need to check with your host platform if they allow placing of ads to earn a passive income, because some free website building and hosting providers don’t support placing ads on the site and generating revenue from it with their free package. Placing ads on your site is a great example of opportunities your website can offer. However, some visitors may find it a bit intrusive and it may stop them from reading your content.

Market your website well:

Once you have found the right track for your website, it is complete and you are adding new content on the regular basis, now would be the right time to kick start the advertising of your site. You can hire professionals to advertise your site on other websites using tools like Google AdSense or you can use social media platforms such as Facebook, Instagram or Twitter to promote your site and brand.


Having a website is definitely a necessity today especially for businesses, as some of the reason for this have been mentioned above. As having a website has become a necessary, there has also been new innovations to meet the varying demand of same, like the online free website building platforms.

However, the relatively older way to build a website, which is still commonly being used, is hiring a professional website developer to create your website from scratch and customize it to best meet your requirements.

Where both ways of building a website are more or less equally popular, it depends more on your needs, vision, goals and budget for your website that helps you pick your way to a functional website.

Astonishing Ideas for “How can we make a Website?”
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