Expanding Horizons: Developing Cutting-Edge Tablet Apps for Android

Developing Tablet Apps for Android

In the modern day, Mobile and Tablets become an integral part of our daily lives. Everything becomes quite easier starting from booking cabs, ordering food and more.

Based on a recent report, more than 1.28 billion people across the world have been using Tablets. Smart devices have been generating the maximum revenue of more than $60 billion worldwide as of 2021.

Tablet users saw a remarkable growth to more than 1.35 billion in the past 5 years. Leading tablet app development company has been developing native iOS and Android apps with cross-platform development like React Native, Xamarin, Ionic, Flutter, and more.

Tablet Apps For Android:

Based on recent studies, states average Americans check their smart devices 262 times per day. It is about once every 5.5 minutes. People have been using smart devices such as mobile phones and Tablets in their homes, workplaces, streets, and while doing other activities. Apart from these, it is also quite convenient to read from a Tablet device instantly.

As of 2022, more than 163.2 million Tablet units have been shipped across the world. It also attained its peak with more than 45.7 million units shipped in a single quarter in 2022. The android tablet app development has become a great option for attracting more audiences.

It also includes the respondents who have been spending 14.2 hours per week using the Tablets. It highlights the significant amount of time that individuals have been investing in smart devices.

Below are steps to develop an Android App for Tablet:

  • Finding a reputable technical partner
  • Collaborating with an experienced professional
  • Design Phase
  • Comprehensive analysis
  • Detailed estimate
  • UI/UX Design
  • Creates screen-by-screen mockups
  • Development And Testing
  • Deployment
  • Post-release Support

Demand For Tablet Apps:

Tablet Apps are software programs crafted and optimized meticulously for Tablet devices. Normally, these Tablet apps would extensively harness bigger attributes of tablets like advanced processing power, touch interfaces, larger screens, and more. It also includes diverse sectors like entertainment, education, productivity, gaming, communication, and many more.

Tablet application also delivers customized and immersive UX and UI with a large screen. These apps also leverage richer content features for large sizes with intricate interfaces.

Availing the tablet app development services is a suitable option to meet the demand for tablet-specific experiences. These also enable better user engagement and determine its potential realization.

Tablets rank as the 2nd popular device for media consumption, apart from smartphones. These are quite encouraging for app developers, app publishers, as well as others. 222 million Americans are expected to use Tablet devices in the year 2023.

Some of the reasons for driving the demand for Tablet apps are:

✔ Tablets provide larger screens to maintain various tasks
✔ Tablets provide a comfortable experience for productivity and gaming
✔ Higher processing power
✔ Better storage capacity
✔ Requires visual content like reading e-books, watching videos, and viewing documents
✔ Allows multitasking
✔ Easier to run resource-intensive applications
✔ It supports additional features and is ideal for digital art, note-taking, as well as other creative tasks.

Based on the report on Statista, 50% of web traffic comes from smart devices. The United States is the top nation holding the global tablet market share. It attained about one-third of its annual tablet unit shipments.

Cutting-Edge Technologies For Developing Tablet Apps For Android:

Building a fully-fledged and scalable Tablet app for Android devices requires the right usage of technology and expertise. Major Mobile App Development Technologies are listed below for android tablet app development. You have the better option to delight the user with robust and feature-rich native Android Apps.

  1. React Native

React Native is a reliable open-source framework suitable for developing native mobile apps for Android. React Native uses JavaScript to enable code reuse. These are significant options for making app development faster as well as cost-effective.

React Native has pre-built components which allow the developers to create visually appealing apps. React Native uses virtual DOM to provide seamless integration of the framework. These eliminate frequent updates with rendering pages.

  1. Flutter

Flutter is the open-source UI toolkit suitable for building native and compiled apps. The platform is also perfect for developing Tablet apps faster. Google has developed Flutter to improve the app development process.

Flutter uses Dart as these are statically typed programming languages. Flutter enables developers to build apps efficiently. Pre-built widgets are suitable for designing and developing the UI.

  1. Kotlin

Kotlin is the ultimate programming language for building Android apps on Tablets. JetBrains developed this programming language, and it allows amazing features such as extension functions, null safety, coroutines, and many more. This Kotlin involves asynchronous code and is compatible with Java. Kotlin offers seamless interoperability along the Java codes.

  1. Xamarin

Xamarin is also an amazing technology for building high-quality and efficient Android apps. Microsoft has developed this framework for extensively building cross-platform mobile apps for Android and other OS.

Xamarin uses C# to provide a shared codebase. Xamarin allows developers to write code instantly and use them for multiple platforms. The hybrid app development framework is powered with C#, and these are completely open-source platforms. It is a suitable option for building apps with .NET and C#.

  1. PhoneGap

The PhoneGap is the absolute open-source framework for extensively building hybrid mobile apps. These involve varied web technologies such as HTML, CSS, JavaScript, and more.

Developers could easily build cross-platform apps using PhoneGap. These would run seamlessly on multiple platforms like Android. PhoneGap also provides better access to the native devices’ features with plugins.

These technologies allow developers to simply integrate cameras, GPS, accelerometers, and more. A hybrid app development approach is suitable for developers to leverage advanced web development skills.

  1. Ionic

Ionic is the best open-source framework suitable for developing quality cross-platform apps. Ionic is equipped with a library for the pre-built UI components and tools. Ionic is also the perfect android tablet app development technology for running smoothly. The component-based approach of this platform is helpful for developers to reuse the codes.

  1. Firebase

Firebase is the absolute mobile development platform for Tablets. The platform has been developed by Google for building high-quality Tablet apps. Developers can use Firebase to create a secure and scalable app for Android.

The platform offers various features like:

  • Real-time database and insight
  • Secure user authentication
  • Hosting
  • Analytics

Native Vs. Hybrid Platform for Developing Cutting-Edge Tablet Apps:

Based on a recent report, more than 21% of Millennials are opening the app 50+ times per day. About 49% of people open an app 11+ times each day.

70% of the digital media time is from smart devices. Google Play Store has more than 2.59 million apps currently, and people from across the world have been accessing them. Native apps are specially developed for a single platform.

Native apps are fast and deliver superior performance. Hybrid apps are especially created to work on any platform or operating system. A hybrid app is normally built with a combination of HTML5 as well as Java.

Native App Platform:

The Native applications are specially developed for specific OS. These native apps are developed to ensure the User experience and technical guidelines are followed. Sporting the complex integrations is much faster with device-specific software and hardware.

o Utilize the device’s hardware and software
o UI of native apps will be aligned to the User Experience of the OS
o Known for rapid and responsive performance
o Stores clear assessment of the quality of the native app

Hybrid App Platform:

Hybrid apps are not quite expensive to develop compared to native apps. Apart from these, the Maintenance is simpler as these require a single codebase. These are suitable for creating multiple versions of the same application.

Hybrid apps are faster compared to native apps. Hybrid apps are completely functional across all platforms. Seeking a tablet app development company helps to easily develop the app without the need for manual updates. It is the future of mobile app development.

❖ Single codebase
❖ Maintenance and upgradation of hybrid apps are faster
❖ Less time and resources to develop
❖ Cost-effective than a native app

Technical Considerations for Tablet App Development:

Tablets provide a unique platform that demands better attention as well as consideration during development. Overall process of Tablet app development is easier with key factors

✔ Multi-Window Mode:

Multi-window mode is a sought-after feature With the rise of multitasking. Developing a tablet app using multi-window support addresses optimal user experience. These include

⮚ Adapting to different screen sizes
⮚ Addressing resource allocation
⮚ Screen size variation
⮚ Prevent screen transition issues
⮚ Resource optimization for Tablet apps
⮚ UI/UX design considerations

✔ Integration With IoT:

The Internet of Things plays important aspects in seamless integration using smart home technology and other devices. A tablet app with IoT integration is suitable for attracting more users.

✔ Transitioning From Mobile To Tablet:

Whether you have a mobile app and looking to convert to a Tablet version, then it is a viable option. Seeking the expertise of a software provider lets you enjoy tablet app development services for smooth transactions. Expert UI/UX designers can easily tackle the challenges of adapting the app design on a Tablet screen.

Warming Up:

Based on another report, more than 50% of Tablet users state dedicating 2 to 10 hours per week to tablet usage. Increasing demand for Tablet devices also ensures the application is optimized for larger screens. Businesses can easily implement their apps in Table devices by gaining increased user engagement and higher conversion rates.

Expanding Horizons: Developing Cutting-Edge Tablet Apps for Android
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