Today we are going to code and design our first website in a easy way by following simple steps. Mainly, this tutorial is for the beginner with the desire that it will make you learn how to use the tools to create your own standards-compliant websites! If you are focused to create your own website and looking for a quick way to get started then you are on a right platform. To do so you just need to go through our collection of website templates in-order to create a professional, responsive option that is ready to customize to your next project.
HTML – HTML stands for Hyper Text Markup Language and is considered as standard markup language and is widely used for creating Web pages. It describes the structure of Web pages by using markup. The elements in HTML are the building blocks of HTML pages and are represented by tags.
CSS – It stands for Cascading Style Sheets. It is a style sheet language which is widely used to describe the presentation of a number of documents written by using the hyper text markup language.
About HTML Programming.
HTML (Hyper Text Markup Language) is a language which is used to design new web pages. Almost everyone who is engaged with the web designing needs to have at least the basic understanding of how work is done in HTML or about the HTML codes. The contains of an HTML file are “markup tags” that inform the browser how to follow the instructions among these tags.
Important things required to design a web page using simple HTML and CSS.
Image editor – You do not need any particular software for editing an image or any other kind of software. For example, Photoshop used for graphics as we will directly use the Internet to get all the important stuffs that we will use on Web Pages.
Creative thinking – The designer should have very creative thinking skill so that he should never stop experimenting. If he posses these skills then he can definitely make excellent web pages by using basic HTML codes.
A good layout – To create a good layout the four basic elements are: header, content, sidebar and footer. It is a fantastic idea to block the layout of any kind of design before we start. It can be done either on paper or in Photoshop, to bring down the workflow and organize our ideas.
A browser – The most common and the most important thing required to start html and CSS to design a web page.
Ditto for CSS – The designer should be intelligent enough to understand how selectors work and must also be familiar with the basic properties.
Editor – An editor program is one at which we will write the HTML codes. I recommend the designer to use Notepad++ (a free program), it is easy to use and can easily manage the complex HTML codes. It displays HTML attributes, contents and tags with various colors.
Getting started
A Web page starts with the <html> tag by providing information to the browser about the start of the HTML document and also ends with </html> tag that directs the browser about the end of the HTML document. There are a large number of tags which we will be using further, but the main thing which we will notice is that these tags are not shown clearly in the web browser. The browser will display the content between the tags, but actually the tags are hidden themselves.
Types of tags used to design a web page using simple HTML and CSS:
- Container tag or Non-Empty tags – These tags are also named as Non-Empty tags. Container or Non-Empty tags acquire opening as well as closing.
For example: <html>, <head>, <title>, <body>, <i> are the tags that requires closing.
Each Non-empty tag is closed by providing a slash sign (/) just before the name of the tag.
For example: </html>, </head>, </title>, </body>, </i> are the example of the closing tags.
- Empty tag or Non-Container tags – These tags are also named as Non-Container tags. For example: <br>, <img>, etc.
- Attributes – Every tag contain the attribute of its own and every attribute provides additional information about a tag. The attributes are used every time within the tags and in the following way –
<tag attribute=”value”>
From the above example it has become very clear about the use of tags and attributes while creating using simple HTML and CSS. Let’s, consider that you want to set background color of your designed web page as black. Then you have to use attribute “bg color” within the <body> tag.
Advantage of designing a web page using simple HTML and CSS
- Reduction in bandwidth
CSS easily separates the contents of website from the design language, and it dramatically reduces the file transfer size. The documents in CSS will be stored externally, and it will be only accessed once whenever a visitor will request your website to do so. At a glance, when a website is created using tables, every page of the website will be easily accessed with the each visit. The reduction in the bandwidth will be resulting in a faster load time and could reduce the web hosting costs.
- Increases Browser Compatibility
Chrome can be considered as a further proof that today Internet users have large browser options than ever before. It is also the main reason why the browser compatibility is a major issue for the website. CSS style sheets actively increases the website’s adaptability by ensuring that more users will be able to see the website in the way it needs to be intended.
- Improves Website Appearance
CSS makes it very clear and also very easy to improve the website’s appearance by letting us to design an excellent stylish website. As CSS offers a wide range of style options and actually grabs more control over the website’s visual aspects. Today, the designers can easily orchestrate the styles and designs of many web pages in a flash.