Top 15 Must Have Plugins You Should Be Checking Out Right Away

must have wordress plugins

Setting up a website takes a lot more than just installing WordPress on the web server. Unless you have essential plugins installed on your site, chances are you won’t be able to get expected results.

So, don’t just stop after buying a domain name, a theme, and a web hosting plan. Take a look at leading plugins that play a critical role in the day-to-day site operation and install them without any further delay.

In case you’re confused as to which plugins should be installed, we have made a list of top 15 plugins that can improve any website’s performance in 2023. Check them out and go for the ones that could add value to your site.

1. Smush


The Smush plugin stands as a pivotal solution for WordPress users aiming to enhance their website performance through image optimization. This tool effectively compresses and optimizes images, bolstering site speed while preserving visual quality. Through its user-intuitive interface, Smush simplifies the process of image compression during uploads and even offers batch optimization for pre-existing media library content.

The plugin also boasts features like lazy loading, contributing to expedited page loading. Both seasoned developers and WordPress novices can rely on Smush to significantly contribute to the creation of engaging, quick-loading websites that rank high in search engine results.


  • Image Compression: Smush plugin optimizes and compresses images without quality loss, boosting website speed.
  • User-Friendly Interface: Easy-to-use tool simplifies image compression during uploads.
  • Bulk Optimization: Effortlessly optimize existing media library images in batches.
  • Lazy Loading: Enhance page loading times through selective loading of images.
  • SEO Boost: Improve search engine rankings with faster, visually appealing websites.

2. Subscription For WooCommerce

Subscription businesses are on the rise today. You can turn your WooCommerce store to a subscription model by adding a subscription plugin to it. Subscription for WooCommerce is one of the best plugins for it.

This WooCommerce subscription plugin supports both simple and variable subscriptions and supports all the major payment gateways. You can easily set up a free trial and sign up fee in your store exclusive of the actual subscription price.

The option to Synchronize subscription renewals to the same day for all subscribers, recurring discounts, email notifications, etc., are the additional features offered by the plugin.

3. Borderless


The remarkable Borderless WordPress plugin effortlessly elevates your website’s look by eliminating borders, resulting in a smooth and captivating design. Its user-friendly integration and customization options put you in control, allowing you to create a modern and sleek aesthetic that truly stands out. For those who aspire to make their website visually engaging and user-friendly, this plugin is the perfect tool to add that human touch.


  • Seamless Border Removal: Easily remove borders from various elements on your website, such as images, buttons, and containers, for a sleek and borderless design.
  • Customization Options: Tailor the borderless style to match your website’s unique identity by adjusting colors, thickness, and other visual parameters.
  • Responsive Design: Ensure your borderless design looks stunning across all devices and screen sizes, maintaining a consistent and polished appearance.
  • Compatibility: The plugin works harmoniously with popular WordPress themes and plugins, ensuring a hassle-free integration process.
  • User-Friendly Interface: Intuitive controls and a user-friendly interface make it simple for both beginners and experienced users to create a borderless aesthetic effortlessly.

4. MonsterInsights


At a time when Google is continually improving its algorithms, you cannot undermine the value of data-driven decisions. In other words, if you have every required information about your site’s traffic, such as user preferences, how they find you online, what decisions they take while browsing your site, what triggers them to stay on your site for a long time or leave immediately after landing on it, etc. you can make necessary changes accordingly and improve the overall performance.

Usually, these changes can take a lot of time and require proper coding knowledge. But with the help of the MonsterInsights, you can do all this within minutes. The best part no coding skills are needed. Give it a try and know your site visitors in an entirely new way.

5. Sucuri Security

sucuri security plugin

One of the most troublesome issues that website owners face in today’s time is hacking attempts or DDoS attacks. They’re uncalled-for and can destroy your years of handwork within hours. So, no matter if you’re a beginner or a pro, take necessary actions to safeguard your website from such issues. The best way to do it is by installing a powerful plugin like Sucuri on your site. It works 24/7, ensuring that you can have a peaceful experience and focus on the core business operations rather than worrying about the security issues.

6. Yoast SEO

yoast seo

Yoast SEO is the most popular on-page SEO plugin available in the market. From giving step by step instructions to improve every post’s SEO score to taking care of meta description of pages, sitemap submission, social media profiles, etc. It does almost everything that can affect your site’s on page SEO score. Yoast SEO comes with brief documentation and support videos, so at no point will you have to face any technical problem during the installation and setup process.

7. MemberPress


Do you run an e-commerce store, membership site or forum? If yes, then opt for MemberPress and add an extra layer of world-class features to your site. Whether it’s about accepting credit card payments or letting selected users access the premium content MemberPress does it all in the most convenient way possible. Adding new members to your site or forum and efficiently serving them will not be a problem anymore with this great plugin. Give it a shot, and you’ll know the difference it can create right from the first day.

8. WP Subscribe Pro

WP Subscribe Pro

One thing that differentiates successful bloggers and affiliate marketers from everyone else is how effectively they build and manage their email lists. In case you’ve already read enough about the importance of having a substantial subscriber base and are ready to put your knowledge to work, then install WP Subscribe Pro without any further delay. It’s a lightweight, mobile responsive and SEO friendly plugin that can increase your blog’s subscriber count at a swift pace.

9. W3 Total Cache

W3 Total Cache

Sometimes, in an attempt to add multiple features to their websites, users end up installing many plugins. Due to limited server space, these plugins might slow down the site in the long run and increase its loading time. Since Google considers website load time an important ranking factor, ignorance of this issue is likely to affect your site’s search rankings.

If you do not want it to happen, then go for W3 Total Cache plugin and improve your site’s speed by a significant margin. It comprises files, gets rid of unnecessary JS requests, and ensures that your website loads quickly on desktops as well as smartphones.

10. Leadpages


If you have an affiliate site or a lead generating site, then this is the most potent plugin you can come across. Leadpages helps you turn clicks on your website into paying customers in a fully automated mode. Give it a shot and generate 5X more leads than usual.

It’s easy to install and comes with more than 150 highly customizable landing page templates. Some other features include pop-ups, check out pages, A/B testing, unlimited publishing, mobile responsive layout, code-free design, etc.

11. Wordfence Security


Wordfence Security is a widely popular WordPress security scanner and firewall plugin that’s built to protect your WordPress site. It’s capable of identifying the newest and most advanced malware signatures, firewall rules, and malicious IP addresses to make sure that you can focus on the core operations without thinking much about your site’s security. Give it a try and set yourself free from all the WordPress security-related concerns right away.

12. Revive Old Post

Revive Old Post

Social media marketing is the most robust way to get a lot of views on your website. Whenever you publish a new post, you can share it on Twitter, Facebook, LinkedIn, Pinterest, etc., and receive instant free traffic.

However, it’s quite tiring to manually share all your posts on social media several times a day. But with the Revive Old Post plugin, you can automate this task and generate thousands of views and social signals on a daily basis. Moreover, you can track this traffic and see which posts are bringing you the highest views on a regular basis. It’s quite easy to set up and requires no technical knowledge.

13. Jetpack


Jetpack is an all-in-one solution for security, marketing, and design of your blog. Install it once to check daily, weekly, monthly or yearly traffic stats, automate social sharing, add extra layer of brute force attack protection, spam filtering, and downtime monitoring. Besides, you can also backup your content and carry out many other tasks without leaving your site’s dashboard.


  • Site Stats and Analytics: Provides insights into your website’s traffic and visitor behavior. Tracks pageviews, popular content, and referral sources.
  • Security Enhancements: Offers brute force attack protection, guarding against unauthorized login attempts. And monitors your site for downtime and notifies you if your site goes offline.
  • Content Delivery Network (CDN): Accelerates the loading of images and other static assets by serving them from a global network of servers. It also improves website performance and reduces load times for visitors across the world.
  • Social Sharing and Engagement: Integrates social media sharing buttons into your content, making it easy for readers to share your posts. It offers tools for adding related posts and displaying social media feeds on your site.
  • Site Backup and Restore: Automatically backs up your website’s content and settings on a regular basis. And it allows you to restore your site to a previous state in case of data loss or errors.

14. Page Builder

siteorigin page builder

With SiteOrigin Page Builder, you can create visually appealing and highly engaging interface, page/post templates within minutes. There is no need of writing codes as this plugin takes care of everything from start to finish and helps you customize any site in a hassle-free manner. Use it and create an attractive homepage, contact us, about us or any other landing page within minutes. Page Builder works perfectly with any theme and widget.

16. WP Forms

wp forms

When you set up a website, you give yourself a chance to stay in touch with hundreds of thousands of users regardless of their location. With the help of a contact form, you can allow them to send you messages, feedbacks or collaboration requests at any time without facing any trouble. An ideal way of doing it is to install a contact form on your key pages. With WP Forms, you can offer the best in class experience to users.


These top 15 plugins can play a crucial role in your site’s success story and turn it into a highly profitable online venture. So, go ahead and install all those that seem most relevant as per your requirements.

Top 15 Must Have Plugins You Should Be Checking Out Right Away
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