Top IT Skills to Learn in 2023

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The IT industry is one of the fastest-growing industries today. The main reason is that modern technology powers pretty much everything, and professionals who know how to handle such technology are in high demand by recruiters from companies all over the world. If you want to land more than a decent and well-paid job, then the IT sector is the place to be.

However, such jobs require awesome IT skills that you’ll have to learn before you can start applying. As daunting as it may sound, it’s not all that difficult to master the right tech skills. All you need is a will to go along with it, as well as effort and dedication.

Now that the pandemic is almost over, people are looking for better employment and more stable jobs. When you add a good salary to job security, you get a win-win scenario. With that in mind, here are some of the top IT jobs in 2023 and the skills you need in order to qualify for them.

Data Scientist

Data science, also commonly referred to as “magic” because no one has a clue what it is except data scientists ( the wizards), of course. Jokes aside, data science is a very sought-after profession these days. Companies are on a constant lookout for experts that can make sense of big data and provide companies with valuable information extracted from it.

More importantly, companies are willing to pay good money to any data scientist willing to come in and work for them. However, data science is a tricky profession that requires a plethora of IT skills that need to be mastered. Such skills include artificial intelligence (AI) proficiency, machine learning expertise, mathematics, computer programming, and so on.

This profession is not for the faint of heart, but it is for those ambitious enough to go forth and master all those skills. If you want a very stable job with a high enough salary that will set you up for life, you’ll have to make an extra effort to get it. Enrolling even in an Online Data Science Course can help you get the desired skill set.

Computer programming

The so-called developers, computer programmers, are always in high demand. This profession is the backbone of the IT industry. Every software or every app that’s in use today has been developed and created by computer programmers.

And, since everyone uses a computer or a smartphone or both, the need for more apps and more programs is ever-growing. So is the need for developers. Becoming a developer in 2023 can actually be quite a profitable decision, especially since programmers can work both in-house and remotely.

Therefore, if you’re willing to learn some of the computer programming languages that are required for this profession, you’ll have nearly limitless job opportunities presented before you. Not only that, but the pay is great as well. Once you master one or a few of these languages, you can basically pick the company you want to work for because everyone will want you onboard.

Cloud Engineer

Engineering clouds sounds like an awesome profession, indeed. Unfortunately, this one has to do with computers, but it’s still awesome nonetheless. The cloud is a technology where specific services are provided to companies via the Internet. Over the years, cloud-based technology became one of the pioneers in helping companies undergo a digital transformation.

Many companies rely on such services, and they need experts to maintain such an environment. Cloud engineering encompasses many different professions and skills, so you can choose which ones suit you the best.

For example, if you wish to work in the Microsoft Azure environment, you can simply attend a Microsoft course online to gain the necessary skills and certification that will help you land an ideal job. The job is nothing short of exciting, and you’ll be well compensated for your expertise.

AI specialist

Another well-paid and highly sought-after profession these days is AI specialist. As you might’ve guessed, AI specialists specialize in artificial intelligence technology. AI is actually a broad term, and this profession also encompasses various and more specific professions.

What that means is that you can specialize in any of these professions, such as machine learning, natural language recognition, deep learning, automation, etc.

Artificial Intelligence engineering and research are in high demand, and anyone willing to master such skills will be able to capitalize well on their knowledge and expertise. Moreover, you’re looking at a six-figure job anywhere in the world. This isn’t a simple skill to master, but if you want a solid and stable job in the IT industry, mastering AI in 2023 is as good a time as any.

Cybersecurity Specialist

The impact of the current pandemic has drastically changed the world we operate in. Many of the problems businesses experienced before the pandemic not only remained relevant but have proven to cause even bigger issues during these uncertain times.

Cybersecurity is certainly one of these issues. Besides the devastating health and economic impacts of the virus, we’ve also witnessed the increase of phishing attacks, ransomware, and greater risk of insider mistakes and attacks as many organizations shifted to remote working.

As most businesses went from centralized office locations to having employees scattered across different locations, it became increasingly harder to protect sensitive company data form insider risks.

With these increased risks and security threats, as well as new challenges that the pandemic brought, also comes the increased need for cybersecurity specialists. That’s why expanding your cybersecurity skills can pay off in 2023.

According to the MIT Technology Review, the number of unfilled cybersecurity positions is expected to grow by 350 percent this year, from 1 million vacant jobs in 2013 to even 3.5 million in 2021. What’s more, fewer than one in four of the candidates who are applying for these positions are even qualified.

The shortage of cybersecurity specialists in today’s high-risk climate is a good reason to consider learning new cybersecurity skills that can help you fill one of these vacant positions.

The IT industry is a land of numerous and plentiful opportunities. Anyone who is looking for good employment and a decent salary should focus on the IT sector. Of course, the skills required to get one of those jobs are difficult to learn, but nothing is impossible if you’re willing to make an effort.

Top IT Skills to Learn in 2023
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