Why Website Design Matters More Than You Think

web design importance

They say first impression is the last impression and we cannot not agree more. When it comes to a website’s design, it has to be visually appealing in order to cast an ever-lasting impression onto a customer’s mind. This is the very first step towards making it big as a service provider.

Imagine sitting in front of your computer and the website takes an eternity to load; you for sure will feel exasperated and would lose your interest in the business, let alone making a purchase or hiring.

In this era where pretty much nothing has been away from digitization, it is paramount for the businesses to see that their website design is at par so that the revenue is not jeopardized. It is cut-throat competition and no one wants to lose. Even a slight miss anywhere could deteriorate the reputation.

Speaking of this, let’s discuss and know why having a stellar website design is a big deal.

Your Website Ultimately Makes the Sale

Yes, that is true! No lying the fact that customer came across you or found you, but whether or not, it converted into a successful sale or was just another bounce rate statistic is an essential matter. Once you have got the design right, let the website do wonders.

A study reveals that visual appeal of a website is 94% first impressions—a major reason for rejecting a webpage.

Your website houses all the content that you might have prepared by working relentlessly all day and night. It is only important for the website to be aesthetically at its best so that the overall goal is achieved.

In addition to the aesthetics, the web design has to be user-friendly for the customers to enjoy a seamless experience. This will only help in maximizing the sales, thereby doubling the profits generated and bonafide success for the company.

What to do in order to achieve this?

Well, your website in a way does the branding part for you. Through an online search, a potential customer learns about the business on the whole and its reputation. You basically control that particular message through a web design.

A good webpage, PNC digital, presents the information in an appealing manner by bringing both text and images together in a way that is not superfluous and too flashy. Subtle yet impactful should be the goal when it comes to designing a website.

Both the text and images should be intertwined in a pattern that brings the tone in addition to the mood of the company to life.

The Mobile Factor

You must know how things work in this era of technology. People walk with a world enclosed in their smart phones and if a website is not optimized for mobile viewing, you are in for a big time loss.

Also, the mobile market seems to grow rapidly with each passing day. A website without an optimization for mobile usage should and must be out of question.

77% of the adults own smart phone and demand website designed in a way that makes it easy for them to access. It is, after all, no longer the time where people wait to return their homes to browse through things on desktop computers.

The world is now just a mere click away and so should your website be! If you unsure as to how should you proceed with the design, it is best to talk to a professional.

Remember, a good website which is mobile-friendly casts an impression that the business prefers customer’s satisfaction more than anything.

It is important to note that a website should have to be responsive if you are tight on budget and could not afford to develop a mobile application. The start-ups, predominantly, really need to prioritize this fact!

Brand Identity — You Are What You Show

As established earlier, a good design only makes the customer trust you with their needs. A design with a haywire appearance will only drive them out with an impression that their needs were not being paid attention to.

In fact, with a poor design, they might even begin to question the credibility and legitimacy of the business. Say, for example, you are food business; it is important that your food photography is on point for the customers to feel like placing the order right away without wasting even a second.

A food business with poorly placed photographs will make the customer think about its taste being mediocre like the visuals and would not place an order then.

It should be your utmost priority that the design of your website conveys exactly what they want the customers to feel. To get the design of website right, you need to understand that your website is a prime communication as well as a marketing tool.

The entire experience for the customers should be invoking enough to want to explore and make the purchase. The design should be both coherent and persuasive.

What should the website portray effectively?

The website should be able to depict the niche of the business effectively enough for the customers to feel drawn towards them. To begin with, know your target audience. Website Design- Why It Matters More Than You Think

Decide whether it is adult or kids your business focuses on. If you’re targeting kids, make sure the design is hip and fun. Other than this, it should clearly be able to tell about the products or services at disposal.

It should be able to communicate the unique selling point (USP) of your business too. Both the text and visuals should, by all means, be able to do justice.

Color Coding

It might be frivolous but color psychology is a thing when we are talking about the design of the website. It makes all the difference in making the customers make the purchase. Picking any color just because you think will look cool is what a business should refrain from.

Your web design should not be a collection of your own judgments or preferences. Instead, you should think as a customer and incorporate colors which project the business in a positive light and effectively captures the interest, attention, and trust of the customers.

The design will only look appealing if you have got the color palette right. What you need to do is to apply the 60-30-10 rule of design. This helps you in striking that perfect balance and coordination in between the colors.

What exactly is this rule?

Starting with the 60, it refers to dominant color followed by the 30 which is the secondary color. 10 here means an accent color.

The 60, as mentioned, is the dominant or primary color which binds the theme together and forms 60% of the total space. The addition of 30% — the secondary color plays with the primary one and builds a promising contrast. The last 10% is synonymous to final touch as it gives the website its overall look and makes the business done.

Everything in a website can majorly impact your sale and traffic. As much as the text and visuals should be in alignment with your target audience, so should the color code, as it greatly influences the viewer’s mood and emotions.

Author Bio:

Judy Robinson is a passionate marketing and business blogger. She loves to engage with readers who are seeking B2B and B2C marketing related information on the internet. She is a featured blogger at various high authority blogs and magazines in which she shared her research and experience with the vast online community. Currently she is associated with an Orlando based SEO Company ‘PNC Digital’. Follow her on twitter @JudyJrobinson for more updates.

Why Website Design Matters More Than You Think
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