How to boost organic traffic of your website – tips, tricks, and tools

The most valuable visitors on your website end up there thanks to your own efforts towards your marketing goals. It doesn’t happen through advertisements or promoted posts – people simply find it through search engines.

This means that your organic traffic depends solely on you, how you go about your content and whether you’ve created a website that genuinely attracts visitors.

We’ve prepared a couple of tips and tricks to help you develop a good, long-term strategy for boosting your organic traffic.

  1. Blog Consistently

The best way to connect with your visitors is by making your posts relatable, interactive, non-formal but still at least semi-professional – as if you are having a comfortable conversation with a reader.

Make a habit of posting regularly, but remember that overcrowding with hardly relevant posts will lead to more harm than good – maybe post one just one high-quality article per week so the readers know when to come back for more.

  1. Long-tail Keywords

You know how using keywords is of crucial importance for Google to place your site as a destination for a search related subject? Well, you might want to consider using long-tail keywords as a superior option.

Long-tail keywords are very specific and usually contain at least three words. They help you classify for very specific subjects instead of wide range areas; aka they’re what people frequently type into search engines. Basically, it helps draw ideal customers to you; those who search for exactly what’s contained within your website.

  1. Meta Data

Metadata, popularly defined as “data about data” is a number one on the list when it comes to what Google searches for to rank your website. This includes the title of your page and meta description such as author’s information etc.

It would be a good choice to insert keywords and user’s queries along with your metadata since it’s bound to help your ranking.

  1. Social Media

These days, social media is the people’s language and one of the best strategies for marketing your brand. Many have the habit of following blogs via social media only considering it’s more practical to visiting a separate website – you might find yourself in this category as well. Instagram and Twitter are your top choices, but other platforms like Facebook or LinkedIn are also great options.

Sharing your content via social media promotion means a much larger audience than what keeping everything only on your website would give you. Especially since it’s really easy to share posts with your friends nowadays, by only a tap or two, which ultimately results in reaching a larger number of people.

  1. Know Your Readers

Getting into the mind of an ideal reader is a must before creating any content. To be able to communicate your information with a reader, it’s rather obvious that you need to know what they’re looking for specifically. If you keep in mind what readers are looking for on your website, you’ll have no trouble creating high-quality content that will resonate with your audience.

Moreover, keeping a track of this will help you fix any obstacles you find along the way and guide you in the right direction, gradually building your traffic and improving your SEO.

  1. Backlinks

If you’ve heard about backlinks already, then you know they’re still a good marketing option and that they factor in when it comes to ranking. You also know that not all backlinks affect your ranking in a positive way, since your goal is to build high-quality backlinks that’ll put you on top of search results.

Therefore, start identifying the good ones from the bad. Ask yourself these questions; Is it contextual? Is it from an authentic, original article? Is it from a relevant site? Was it added manually by an editor? Additionally, you can opt for using monitoring tools to help you with these if want to make sure your links are doing you good.

  1. Notice Your Readers

No matter the type of the website you run, a blog, online store or something third, there will always be people with questions. A big mistake would be to ignore this or write short replies.

Writing thorough answers to them not only increases your overall reputation but your answer is bound to contain many keywords that people often google for which leads them to your site.

  1. Internal Linking System

Using an internal linking system is the quickest way to create useful backlinks. Internal links prolong your reader’s presence on your website while also being very useful for SEO.

Linking back to your previous relevant posts means building high-quality links on your website – more organic traffic.

  1. Featured Snippets

While getting to the point where a fraction of your website is on a featured snippet is a long short, it’s still worth thinking about considering the amount of traffic it’s bound to boost.

To win a featured snippet means to target certain requirements. Identify the keywords used in snippets. Most keywords snippets include are “what” or “how” or “why”, meaning that they’re simple and direct answers to questions, as early in the post as possible. Make sure your images are SEO-optimized, high-quality and try to write answers in simple steps.

  1. Constant Monitoring

Even when you get to a point where everything seems to be going great, don’t get ahead of yourself. Make sure you’re constantly on track with all the statistics since it’s definitely better to be safe than sorry in this case and boosting organic traffic is a never-ending process.

Keep a track of your backlinks at least once a month, continue eliminating bad ones and keep a close eye on your SEO progress reports if you decide to use any monitoring tools which will make the whole thing easier.

To Conclude

Each site has different needs and you will probably have to adjust these tips to match your specific ones. These are only some of many options you can explore with so keep working on it.

Remember not to neglect optimization even when your ranking is high -constantly boosting organic traffic is a full-time job!

How to boost organic traffic of your website – tips, tricks, and tools
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